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Database List

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  Reference Center, Main Building, 1st floor, room 161
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Database name Field of science Database type Access Language Details
Database type Access Language
WUT Traditional alphabetical card catalogue interdisciplinary catalogue open access pol
ACM Digital Library information technology, computer science full-text for registered users only eng
ACS Publications chemistry full-text for registered users only eng
AIP physics full-text for registered users only eng
APS physics full-text for registered users only eng
Legal Acts Internet systems of Legal Acts - ISAP interdisciplinary full-text open access pol
Traditional alphabetical card catalogue of the Institute of Spatial Management and Residential Architecture architecture, civil engineering, urban planning catalogue open access pol
Polish Technical Approvals science and technology full-text, access to selected titles open access pol
SIGMA-NOT – journals interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only pol
ASCE civil engineering, environmental engineering, architecture, geotechnic, transportation bibliographic open access eng
WUT Base of Knowledge interdisciplinary bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access pol
BazEkon economic science bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access pol
BazTech- Database of content of polish technical journals science and technology bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access pol
BazTOL- Polish web resources in science and technology science and technology subject guide open access pol
Polish National Library databases interdisciplinary catalogue open access pol
WUT Digital Library interdisciplinary full-text open access pol
BIOSIS Citation Index biomedical sciences, agricultural sciences bibliographic for registered users only eng
ChemSpider chemistry bibliographic open access eng
Current Contents Connect interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
Data Citation Index interdisciplinary bibliographic for registered users only eng
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) interdisciplinary full-text open access eng
e-wydawnictwo.eu interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles open access pol
EBSCOhost Web interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek interdisciplinary bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access eng
Emerald management, marketing, library science, automation, robotics, mathematics, computing, electronics, materials science bibliographic, full-text of selected titles for registered users only eng
EMIS Emerging Markets Information Service economics, finance, politics full-text for registered users only pol
European Mathematical Information Service mathematics full-text open access eng
Google Scholar interdisciplinary Internet subject engine open access eng
Hindawi Publishing Electronic Journals Library interdisciplinary full-text open access eng
IBUK Libra economics, mathematics, social science, computer science full-text for registered users only pol Contains ebooks
IEEE/IEE Electronic Library science and technology full-text for registered users only eng
Ikonografia urban planning, architecture catalogue open access pol
InCities interdisciplinary bibliometric tool for registered users only eng InCites is a scientiffic output research analytics tool
Ingenta interdisciplinary bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access eng
IoPscience physics, astronomy and astrophysics, computer science, mathematics, nanotechnology, medical sciences full-text for registered users only eng
Journal Citation Reports interdisciplinary factual for registered users only eng
JSTOR mathematic, statistic bibliographic, full-text of selected titles for registered users only eng
KaRo / catalogue Rozproszony Bibliotek Polskich interdisciplinary catalogue open access pol
WUT Central Computer Catalogue interdisciplinary catalogue open access pol
Knovel science and technology full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng

Contains ebooks

Individual account in database is required for using it outside the WUT campus
MEDLINE medicine bibliographic for registered users only eng
Polish Standards PKN searching engine interdisciplinary bibliographic open access pol
NUKAT interdisciplinary catalogue open access pol
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) - WorldCat interdisciplinary bibliographic for registered users only eng
OECD iLibrary agriculture, education, atomic energy, ecology, information technologies, taxes, rural areas, statistical methods, science, health, etc. full-text for registered users only eng
Patents Esp@cenet;;; interdisciplinary bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access pol
Patents E-Register interdisciplinary bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access pol
Patents E-Search interdisciplinary bibliographic, full-text of selected titles open access pol
PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive) physics full-text for registered users only eng
ProQuest ABI/INFORM Collection business, economic science, management, finance and accounting science full-text for registered users only eng
ProQuest Ebook Central interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng Contains ebooks
ProQuest Central science and technology full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
Reaxys - previous platform
Reaxys - new platform (access from the WUT network only)
organic chemistry, organometallic and inorganic chemistry, chemical engineering, medical sciences bibliographic for registered users only eng
RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) chemistry full-text for registered users only eng
Science Direct on Line on publisher server interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
SciFinder Discovery Platform: biomedicine, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science bibliographic for registered users only eng Individual account in the database is required for using it outside the WUT campus

Using SciFinder for the first time? Register here

SCImago Journal and Country Rank interdisciplinary factual open access eng
SciVal interdisciplinary bibliometric tool for registered users only eng SciVal is a scientiffic output research analytics tool
Scopus interdisciplinary bibliographic for registered users only eng
SPIE Digital Library astronomy, optics, biomedical optics, photonics, information technology, micro-and nanotechnologies full-text for registered users only eng
SpringerLink / on publisher server interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
SYMPOnet - baza materiałów konferencyjnych interdisciplinary bibliographic open access pol
Taylor and Francis Online science and technology full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory interdisciplinary bibliographic for registered users only eng
US Department of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) science and technology full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng
Wiley Online Library science and technology, social science full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng Contains ebooks
WoS (Web of Science Core Collection) interdisciplinary bibliographic for registered users only eng
Zentralblatt MATH mathematics bibliographic for registered users only eng
Zoological Record animal biology, veterinary science bibliographic for registered users only eng
Ebookpoint BIBLIO interdisciplinary full-text; access to selected titles for registered users onlypol Contains ebooks

Individual account in database is required for using it outside the WUT campus

Statista interdisciplinary factual for registered users only eng
JoVE interdisciplinary full-text for registered users only eng
VLeBooks interdisciplinary full-text, access to selected titles for registered users only eng Contains ebooks
  • The database contains items from closed database Dawsonera
Total Materia interdisciplinary full-text for registered users only eng Attention, the database is temporarily available only from computers in the WUT network (entering directly via the link: https://portal.totalmateria.com). Remember to click the Log out button when finishing using the Total Materia database.
Cambridge University Press interdisciplinary full-text of selected titles for registered users only eng
ASME Digital Library mechanical engineering full-text of selected titles for registered users only eng
Oxford Handbooks Online business and management, mconomics and finance, law full-text; access to selected titles for registered users only eng Contains ebooks
ARIANTA interdisciplinary bibliographic open access pol

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