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Introductory Regulations

Introductory Regulations

§ 1

  1. Regulations of Access to the Collections and Provision of IT Services of the Library and Information System of the Warsaw University of Technology, hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”, shall apply to all units constituting the library and information system of the Warsaw University of Technology.
  2. As used in these Regulations, the terms below shall have the following meanings ascribed to them:
    1. Library- shall mean a unit of the Library and Information System at WUT.
    2. Specialist library - shall mean a library being a part of a faculty, institute, chair, department, or another organizational unit at WUT.
    3. BG PW - shall mean the WUT Main Library including the branches and library outlets.
    4. Blocked library account - shall mean suspension of all services: requests, loans, and extending the loan period for library documents and remote access (outside the area of WUT) to licensed electronic resources.
    5. Central Catalogue of WUT Library Resources – shall mean a common BG PW catalogue of specialist libraries operating in the integrated library system.
    6. Library document - shall mean a material published in any form (in print, electronic format, microforms) and unpublished material; stored and/or shared in the or through the library, under the principles specified in the Regulations.
    7. Document entitling to use the library - shall mean an Electronic Student Card (ELS), Electronic Doctoral Student Card (ELD), Electronic Staff Card issued by the WUT library.
    8. Library card - shall mean a document entitling its holder to use the library, issued by the WUT Library.
    9. Head of the library - shall mean a person supervising the management of the library: director of BG PW or head of a specialist library.
    10. Library account - shall mean personal data of a library user, their rights in the integrated library system, current requests, library documents currently borrowed and history of loans/returns, and charges for overdue documents.
    11. Deletion of library accounts - shall mean deleting the account from the integrated library system, including the user’s rights.
    12. Maximum number of documents borrowed - shall mean a maximum number of library documents to be taken out of the library.
    13. Parent specialist library - shall mean a library constituting a WUT organizational unit in which the user studies or works.
    14. Special fee - shall mean a fee charged for not returning the borrowed library documents by the due date.
    15. Extended due date - shall mean a change in the due date for the borrowed item before the expiry of the due date.
    16. Reservation - shall mean registering a request for an item borrowed by another user, which means queuing for the first copy of the item available in a location selected by the user.
    17. SBI PW (the Library and Information System of the Warsaw University of Technology) - shall mean the Main Library and specialist libraries operating at the University, hereinafter referred to as the “System” or “SBI PW”.
    18. SWW (System of Warsaw Loans BiblioWawa) - shall mean a service of loans of printed resources offered as part of an inter-university agreement signed by the Warsaw universities.
    19. Type of user rights - shall mean the extent of the user’s rights to use the library resources (e.g. the right to borrow documents outside the library, maximum number of documents borrowed, right to use electronic resources).
    20. USOS (University System of Service for WUT Studies) - shall mean an IT system used for managing the course of studies at WUT.
    21. User - shall mean a person/ institution using the library following the principles specified in the Regulations.
    22. Free access - shall mean a designated space in the library in which the user may collect the items themselves from the shelves.
    23. Free access at BG PW - shall mean an area in the WUT Main Library (in the Main Building) including three floors: II, IIA, III.
    24. Loan - shall mean making a library item available outside or in the library.
    25. WMB - shall mean an inter-library loan - sprowadzenie i udostępnienie dokumentu z innych bibliotek na zamówienie uprawnionego użytkownika lub wypożyczenie dokumentu bibliotecznego ze zbiorów własnych innym bibliotekom;
    26. Request - shall mean selecting a library item from the integrated library system or by a printed order, which the user wants to borrow outside the library or which they intend to use in the library.
    27. Integrated Library System - shall mean an electronic system that contains: the Central Catalogue of WUT Libraries Resources and the database of library accounts.
  3. The current list of libraries operating in the integrated library system of the University is available on the website of the Warsaw University of Technology
Personal Data

Personal Data

§ 2

  1. Information on personal data processing is available in the information clause in Annex 7 - Information clause for the user of the integrated library system.
  2. The user shall update their personal data and address. Changes shall be reported:
    1. at the Dean’s office (for users specified in § 4 section 2 items 1, 3-6),
    2. at the library (for users specified in § 4 section 2 items 2, 7-13).


§ 3

  1. Using the resources and services of the libraries within the System is free of charge except for section .
  2. SBI PW Libraries may charge fees for:
    1. failing to return the borrowed library documents by the due date;
    2. creating previously ordered reprographic and digital copies and computer printouts;
    3. information services provided upon the request of users from outside the University;
    4. servicing inter-library loans for foreign institutions.
  3. The type and amount of fees specified in section 2 shall be defined:
    1. for BG PW - a price list approved by the Rector upon the request of the director of the Main Library,
    2. for specialist libraries, the head of the WUT organizational unit in which the library operates.



Library Account: Terms of Use

Library Account: Terms of Use

§ 4

  1. The user has the right to have only one library account in the libraries in the integrated library system.
  2. The library account in the integrated library system may be owned by:
    1. academic teachers employed at WUT;
    2. WUT staff who are not academic teachers;
    3. WUT doctoral students;
    4. WUT students;
    5. students in inter-university exchange;
    6. WUT postgraduate students;
    7. persons with a status of a retired WUT Professor – Professor Emeritus;
    8. retired staff and disability pensioners of WUT;
    9. persons formally not connected with the University but with a documented activity at WUT (i.e., staff of other scientific institutions temporarily at WUT, doctoral students who are not participants of WUT doctoral studies), based on an application for opening a library account whose template constitutes Annex 2 - Application for opening a library account;
    10. Third Age University Students;
    11. institutions within WMB;individual users from outside WUT who are entitled based on an SWW agreement or other agreements with WUT;
    12. users utilizing the resources in the library based on a registration form whose template constitutes Annex 1 - Registration Form.
  3. The library accounts of users defined in section 2 item 1, 3-6, are opened following automatic data synchronization (once in 24 hours) with the WUT University-Study Oriented System (USOS). Accounts created automatically require activation. To activate a library account, these users are eligible to use a valid:
    1. Electronic Student Card;
    2. Electronic Doctoral Student Card;
    3. post-graduate studies participation card with proof of identity;
    4. Electronic WUT Staff Card or documents confirming employment at WUT (a document issued/ confirmed by a WUT organizational unit) and proof of identity;
    5. re-entry card including an Electronic Student Card/Electronic Doctoral Student Card.
  4. To start/ activate a library account, the users specified in section 2 item 2, 7-13 are entitled to use a valid:
    1. Electronic WUT Staff Card or other documents confirming employment at WUT (a document issued/ confirmed by a WUT organizational unit) and proof of identity;
    2. a document confirming the status of Third Age University student and proof of identity;
    3. card of WUT pensioner or WUT disability pensioner;
    4. card or any other document entitling to use the library in the parent institution which has signed a contract for library services WUT; 
    5. declaration on cooperation regarding inter-library loans, constituting Annex 6 - Declaration on cooperation regarding inter-library loans;
    6. application for opening a library account plus proof of identity (shall apply to persons specified in section 2 item 10);
    7. proof of identity for persons using the library on the spot.
  5. The library account is active for the period compliant with:
    1. the expiry date of Electronic Student Card/ the expiry date of Electronic Doctoral Student Card /the expiry date for the agreement in the USOS system for users specified in section 2 item 1, 3-6;
    2. the account validity period specified in section 8 for other groups of users.
  6. Extending the validity of the library account is done:
    1. automatically, in accordance with the expiry date of Electronic Student Card/ the expiry date of Electronic Doctoral Student Card/ the expiry date for the agreement in the USOS system;
    2. upon presenting a document confirming a current user’s right to activate an account (sections 3-4).
  7. Users have the following authorization levels in the integrated library system:
    1. C - authorization level to use the resources on the spot (excluding library documents mentioned in § 10 section 5), including electronic documents made available;
    2. W - authorization level to borrow library documents outside the library (excluding library documents mentioned in § 13 section 7); specialist libraries may use additional regulations on loans outside the library;
    3. E – authorization level to access licensed electronic resources from any computer;
    4. M - authorization level to use the services of the BG PW inter-library, to import documents from national and foreign libraries;
    5. R - authorization level to borrow library documents from other institutions in Warsaw as part of inter-library loans (except for SWW);
    6. S - authorization level to borrow library documents as part of SWW.
  8. Authorization levels of individual user groups, the maximum number of documents borrowed outside the library, and the maximum validity period of a library account are listed in Table 1, except for section 9.

    Table 1 - authorization levels of individual user groupsTable 1

    No. User type Authorization level (section 7) Max. number of documents borrowed outside the library in the integrated library Max. single extension period/account validity period
    1. WUT staff - academic teachers C,W,E,M,R,S 50 items In compliance with ELD expiry date in the USOS
    2. WUT staff who are not academic teachers C,W,E,M,R,S 15 items 3 years
    3. WUT doctoral students C,W,E,M,R,S 20 items In compliance with ELD expiry date in the USOS
    4. WUT students C,W,E,M,R,S 20 items In compliance with ELD expiry date in the USOS
    5. Students of inter-university exchange C,W,E,M 10 items In compliance with ELD expiry date in the USOS
    6. WUT post-graduate students C,W,E,M,R,S 5 items In compliance with ELD expiry date in the USOS
    7. Professor Emeritus C,W,E,M,R,S 50 items unlimited time
    8. WUT pensioners and disability pensioners C,W,E,M 15 items 2 years
    9. Persons formally not connected with WUT,
    but with a documented activity at WUT
    C,W,E 3 items 1 year
    10. Third Age University students C,W 3 items 1 semester
    11. Institutions as part of inter-library loans C,W 10 items 1 year
    12. Individual users outside WUT as part of SWW or other agreements with WUT C,W 3 items 1 year
    13. On the spot users C   1 year
  9. Students doing more than one major at WUT at the same time may borrow up to 50 items.
  10. Users who have been refused permission to use BG PW or specialist libraries shall have the right to appeal within 7 days:
    1. for BG PW, to the WUT Main Library director and then to the WUT Rector; or
    2. for a specialist library, to the head of a specialist library, and then to the head of the WUT organizational unit within which the specialist library operates.
  11. Specialist libraries may apply additional regulations depending on the specific work of a given unit on defining groups of users eligible to use the library, the maximum number of borrowed documents, the maximum extension of account validity. These regulations shall be approved by the head of the WUT organizational unit in which the library operates.
Activating the Library Account

Activating the Library Account

§ 5

  1. A library account in the integrated library system may be activated:
    1. for users defined in § 4 section 2 items 1, 3-6;
    2. after the user reports to the library and presents a document proving eligibility, in compliance with § 4 sections 3-4.
  2. Online activation of a library account involves entering an individual log-in password.
  3. By activating the account, the user shall follow these Regulations.
Document Entitling to Use the Library

Document Entitling to Use the Library

§ 6

  1. A document entitling to use the library is used to identify the user in the integrated library system and the library.
  2. A document entitling to use the library may not be shared with other persons.
  3. For a specified time, a holder of a document entitling to use the library may authorize another person to borrow library documents in their library account after submitting an authorization form to BG PW  Annex 3 - Authorization To borrow library documents for the template.
  4. If the card or any other document authorizing its holder to use the library is lost or destroyed, the holder shall immediately notify the library (in person, by phone, or email). The holder shall be held liable for any damage resulting from failure to do so. A copy of the library card 1  may be received after submitting a written declaration, in compliance with the template in Annex 4 - Statement on loss of the library card.
Blocking the Library Account

Blocking the Library Account

§ 7

  1. Blocking the library account shall occur:
    1. if the user keeps any documents past due date from:
      1. BG PW,
      2. specialist libraries operating in the integrated library system,
      3. specialist libraries not operating in the integrated library system provided that they inform BG   PW   and   other specialist libraries about overdue library documents,
      4. other libraries (outside WUT) in which the user is authorized to use based on these Regulations;
    2. if the amount of calculated special fees in the library account exceeds PLN 5;
    3. after the expiry date of the library account specified in § 4 section 8 unless the user, has presented a document entitling them to continue using the library or the library has not received such data from any other sources (e.g., the USOS system);
    4. after deleting the user from the student register;
    5. after terminating an employment contract;
    6. after clearing all accounts with WUT libraries following the termination of the employment contract or completing studies;
    7. after reporting by the parent institution on the expiry of authorization to use (shall apply to users specified in § 4 section 2 item 12);
    8. if the user has breached the provisions of these Regulations specified in § 21.
  2. As specified in section 1 item 1, the library account shall remain blocked until all documents are returned in all libraries listed.
  3. Blockades specified in section 1 items 2-7 shall last until:
    1. all calculated special fees are paid; or
    2. the user presents to the library staff a document authorizing them to continue using the library; or
    3. the information from another source is received (e.g., from the USOS);
    4. the user presents to the library staff the decision to re-enter the University.
  4. The blockade specified in section 1 item 8 shall last until the decision on temporary refusal to grant authorization to use WUT libraries expires.
  5. The user shall have current access through the Internet to the information on their library account, including the expiry date, current loans, current requests and reservations, and calculated special fees.  WUT Library shall not be held be responsible for sending individual notifications about the account.
  6. The user shall control their account on a current basis, pay any fees due and immediately report any errors.
Closing the Library Account

Closing the Library Account

§ 8

  1. Closing the library account is possible provided that the user:
    1. has returned all borrowed library documents and library checkout sheets for inter-library loans;
    2. has paid all calculated special fees;
    3. has cleared all accounts within SWW and WUT agreements with other institutions.
  2. To close the library account, the user may receive a confirmation of a clean loan and fee record at WUT libraries:
    1. in the USOS web system (this shall apply to WUT organizational units, which use EDMS);
    2. in the student clearance form at the library.
  3. To close the library account, users listed in §4 section 2 items 9, 11-13 shall report the closure to the WUT library.



Forms of Access to Collections

Forms of Access to Collections

§ 9

  1. SBI PW libraries provide access to their collections:
    1. on the spot;
    2. outside the library to persons with an active library account and authorized to external loans (W authorization level);
    3. outside the library to institutions as part of inter-library loans;
    4. in the WUT computer network or remotely, from any computer if the user is eligible to use this service (E authorization level).
  2. Providing access to collections deposited at the WUT libraries shall be specified in terms of deposit agreements about which the users are informed separately.
Access on the Spot

Access on the Spot

§ 10

  1. All interested users may use the library collections on the spot. Upon the request of library staff, users shall present a document entitling them to use the library.
  2. Documents that can be used on the spot include:
    1. documents located in reading rooms and warehouses with free access, documents shared on the Internet and own materials;
    2. documents located in closed warehouses after making a request;
    3. documents printed and imported as part of inter-library loans;
    4. documents located in the collections of the Division of Special Collections and Creation of Digital Resources of BG PW under the following principles:
      1. upon presenting a valid document authorizing to use the library,
      2. the number of a single access provided to a user shall be limited to 3,
      3. access to the originals of library documents under special protection shall be provided with the consent of the head of the Division of Special Collections and Creation of Digital Resources based on a completed lending form,
      4. due to the technical state of the document, the head of the Division of Special Collections and Creation of Digital Resources may refuse to provide access to the original or provide access to its copy.
  3. Using the collections on the spot shall be possible only in designated locations.
  4. As concerns the resources listed in section 2 items 2-3, the user shall leave the document authorizing them to use the library with the library staff on duty for the time of being granted access to them.
  5. Theses of WUT students shall be made publicly available provided that the writer has given consent in the declaration on granting the Warsaw University of Technology a license.
  6. The following library documents shall not be made publicly available:
    1. library documents with “Archived” status;
    2. library documents in poor technical condition.
Free Access

Free Access

§ 11

  1. Free access shall involve the following:
    1. users search for, and transfer library documents themselves in the designated area of the library;
    2. users use the selected library documents on the spot or borrow them outside the library;
    3. users leave the used library documents in the designated areas and do not put them away on the shelf.
  2. Library documents located in BG PW Free Access may not be requested. It is possible to reserve them if they are borrowed by another user.
  3. Specialist libraries may apply additional regulations on providing free access, in compliance with the specifics of the collections of a given unit.
Requesting Library Documents

Requesting Library Documents

§ 12

  1. Library documents located in closed warehouses shall be requested.
  2. The user may request an item:
    1. electronically, in the integrated library system if the item description contains the “Request” option;
    2. on a paper lending form if:
      1. requesting a book in the integrated library system (does not apply to items made available as part of free access to collections),
      2. the item is not registered in the integrated library system.
  3. The request may be fulfilled on the day of its placement provided it is made no later than half an hour before closing the library.
  4. Requested library documents shall be stored for the ordering person no longer than:
    1. working days from fulfilling the request;
    2. 12 working days from the day of fulfilling the request – this solely applies to WUT extramural and post-graduate students.
  5. The collection spot for the requested item shall be specified in the integrated library system or by the library staff when accepting the request on a paper lending form.
External Loans

External Loans

§ 13

  1. The loan period shall be governed by the following principles:
    1. the basic loan period shall be specified for each item in the integrated library system;
    2. the real loan period shall be no longer than the validity period of the library account;
    3. for inter-library loans, the maximum loan period shall be 60 days.
  2. The library item purchased by a person eligible to have a library account with funds for scientific work (e.g., research, implementation, project) and transferred for registration in the library may be borrowed once for a period equal to the implementation period of this work. As soon as that period expires, the period for the next loan is equal to a basic loan period specified in the integrated library system.
  3. Under justified circumstances, the head of the library may:
    1. request a shorter loan period upon lending the item;
    2. request the borrowed item to be returned before the due date.
  4. The user may extend the due date for the borrowed item provided that the item has not been requested by another reader. The extension can be done:
    1. once for the period no longer than the basic loan period, specified in the integrated library system for a given item; the extension period shall be calculated from the day on which it is extended;
    2. in the integrated library system, by users themselves or by the library staff, without the necessity of presenting the item, in compliance with the maximum loan period for a given library. When using the maximum period, another extension shall require presenting the item at the library in which the user borrowed it. At BG PW, it is possible to extend the due date three times, to the exclusion of inter-library loans.
  5. Loans of documents whose loan period specified in the integrated library system is shorter than 7 days may not be extended.
  6. Depending on the location, borrowing a document of extraordinary value, i.e., registered in the fixed assets inventory of the University or unique for other reasons, requires the consent of the BG PW director or the head of the specialist library and concluding an agreement whose template constitutes Annex 5 - Agreement on lending a document of extraordinary value.
  7. External loans are not possible for:
    1. library documents with “Archived”, “In the reading room”, “On the spot”, “Request to the reading room”, “Request to BD Journals”, “Own use”, “Reserved” status;
    2. special collections (iconography, norms, maps, manuscripts, documents being a part of the historical collection);
    3. documents imported as part of inter-library loans;
    4. newspapers;
    5. documents with manuscript rights, including dissertations;
    6. doctoral theses;
    7. microforms;
    8. library documents with numerous tables, maps, drawings, and portfolios with loose cards.
  8. The user shall:
    1. monitor the due date for the borrowed item and its return by the due date;
    2. return the library item borrowed outside the spot in which the loan was made.
Keeping the Library Document Past the Due Date

Keeping the Library Document Past the Due Date

§ 14

  1. Keeping the library document past the due date will block the library account until the account is cleared and a special fee is calculated, as specified in § 3 section 2 item 1.
  2. Keeping the library document past the due date, borrowed at any library will block the account at every SBI PW library that the member uses based on the Regulations.
Loss or Destruction of a Library Document

Loss or Destruction of a Library Document

§ 15

  1. In the event of loss or destruction of the borrowed library document, the user shall provide the library with an identical item.
  2. If it is impossible to provide an identical item, to compensate for the loss the user shall provide a different item or items suggested by the library (with a value approximating the value of the lost one).
  3. The price of the item compensating for the loss borne by the library may not exceed:
    1. a double price of the lost/destroyed document in the book market;
    2. a double average purchasing price of documents for the past year, as defined in the principles in section 4 if the item’s market price is unknown;
    3. a triple value of the library document stated in the agreement if the loan was made as specified in § 13 section 6.
  4. An average purchasing price of library documents, defined separately for Polish and foreign documents, is available on the BG PW homepage, and is updated in February every year.
Inter-library Loans

Inter-library Loans

§ 16

  1. For users with M authorization level, BG PW shall import documents from national libraries located elsewhere (excluding those located in Warsaw) and foreign libraries under the following principles:
    1. from national libraries only documents missing in Warsaw’s libraries shall be imported; from foreign libraries, only documents not owned by national libraries shall be imported; documents are made available in BG PW Free Access;
    2. inter-library lending forms are issued for Warsaw’s libraries with which BG PW has concluded appropriate agreements (this does not apply to the libraries participating in the SWW BiblioWawa agreement);
    3. requests for documents can be made:
      1. via the Internet, filling in a request form on the website of the Main Building in the bookmark Inter-library Loans,
      2. via email of Inter-library Loans,
      3. personally in the Inter-library Loans section.
  2. BG PW shall make inter-library loans for out-of-town national and foreign institutions   under the following principles:
    1. BG PW shall lend its own collections to institutions outside WUT for a maximum of 60 days, calculated from the day of dispatching the item(s);
    2. Instead of borrowing the original, BG PW may create a copy of the searched item at the expense of the requester (under the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1062);
    3. BG   PW   shall fulfill requests sent to the email address of Inter-library Loans;
    4. The delivery cost of sending the requested documents by post shall be paid by BG PW, the cost of return shall be paid by the requester;
    5. Documents borrowed from BG PW may be made available in the requesting institution only on the spot;
    6. Documents returned to BG PW shall be sent by insured or registered mail and properly secured against damage.
  3. BG PW shall fulfill inter-library loans for institutions in Warsaw under the following principles:
    1. The institution requesting the library documents from BG PW shall sign and deliver a declaration on cooperation in inter-library loans whose template constitutes Annex 6 - Declaration on cooperation regarding inter-library loans;
    2. The institution requesting the library documents shall annually renew the declaration and update any changes to the data included in the declaration;
    3. The requests are accepted in paper lending forms with a stamp of a requesting institution and data and signature of an authorized person.
  4. The provisions on the maximum number of loans, expiry date of the account, extension, charges for not returning the items by the due date, or loss of documents shall apply to all institutions making inter-library loans, as specified in these Regulations.
Individual Loans from or to Other Institutions

Individual Loans from or to Other Institutions

§ 17

  1. Upon closing the library account at SBI PW, the WUT user eligible for individual loans at other libraries (R and S authorization levels) shall clear all accounts with those libraries in which they activated a library account.
  2. The institution with which WUT has concluded an agreement to make the collections available shall specify the terms of using the collections for WUT users.
  3. WUT users, defined in § 4 section 8, with R and/or S authorization level, who use external institutions and users outside WUT, defined § 4 section 2 item 12, who use WUT libraries, shall follow the principles in these Regulations and the regulations defined in an agreement concluded between WUT and an external institution.
Access to Electronic Documents

Access to Electronic Documents

§ 18

  1. Terms of using and accessing specific electronic documents arise from an agreement concluded with their provider or publisher. Users shall be informed about the terms on the BG PW website.
  2. Access to electronic documents for the use of which WUT has bought a license or author’s consent shall be provided:
    1. to any computer registered in the University network;
    2. to any computer in an extended network based on the user’s authorization (E authorization level).
  3. Electronic documents may be used by users exclusively:
    1. for their own use, for scientific, teaching, or educational purposes;
    2. abiding by the copyright and terms of the user’s license applying to a given item.
  4. In the event of improper use of electronic documents (incompliant with section 3 item 2) the user shall suffer the consequences arising from the terms of license and/ or copyright.
  5. Electronic documents recorded on external information carriers    (CD, DVD), which are not restricted by licenses in making available, shall be borrowed outside the library under the same principles as for printed items.
Information Services

Information Services

§ 19

  1. Libraries shall provide free information services regarding the collections available in SBI PW and the collections of other libraries, except for the services listed in § 3 section 2 item 3.
  2. Libraries shall organize free-of-charge training on using the available information sources.
  3. Usługi informacyjne wykonywane w bibliotece nie obejmują sporządzania zestawień literatury przedmiotu, m.in. do prac dyplomowych.


§ 20

  1. Reprographic services shall be provided in libraries that own appropriate copying equipment.
  2. In the libraries specified in section 1, users may request or make themselves copies of parts of library documents for their own academic needs.
  3. Libraries shall have the right to refuse to provide access to a library document to make a photocopy due to its technical state or other (unique) features, which may exclude photocopying.
  4. Dissertations and doctoral theses may not be recorded or copied in any form and using any technique.
  5. It is prohibited to systematically reproduce the library documents, violating copyright laws, to collect the items on your own carriers, to redistribute and re-sell them (pursuant to the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Laws Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1062).



User’s Obligations

User’s Obligations

§ 21

  1. The user shall follow these Regulations, Rules of Conduct applicable at the Warsaw University of Technology and follow the recommendations and guidelines of the library staff.
  2. In the library, the user shall behave properly and respectfully.
  3. The library user shall:
    1. leave their coats and luggage in the cloakroom;
    2. upon the library staff’s request, the user shall present a document entitling them to use the library or a valid proof of identity;
    3. respect the available library collections, report any noticed losses or damage to the library staff,   put away the used items solely in the designated spaces;
    4. use respectfully the computer and other equipment in the library, report any faults and breakdowns to the library staff;
    5. upon the library staff’s request, present any library items held (e.g. when the anti-theft alarm goes off);
    6. remain quiet (e.g. put the phone on silent mode, avoid talking on mobile devices);
    7. maintain order on the spot (e.g. not leave any rubbish);
    8. not leave personal items unattended – the library shall not be held responsible for them.
  4. It is prohibited to:
    1. disturb other users by talking loudly, listening to loud music, among other things;
    2. smoke tobacco, use electronic cigarettes, consume alcohol, and take mind-altering substances in the library;
    3. enter the library under the influence of alcohol or mind-altering substances, or with clear signs of poor hygiene;
    4. eat and drink (except for bottled water);
    5. bring dangerous objects (e.g. weapons, knives, gas spray);
    6. unplug the computers and devices belonging to the library and change any system configurations of the equipment;
    7. take away any library collections and devices owned by the library without the librarian’s consent;
    8. conduct advertising, promotional, or any other campaign in the library, specifically take photos, film the interior of the library, place posters and notices on the noticeboards and leave leaflets; such actions require the consent of the head of the library.
Breach of the Rules

Breach of the Rules

§ 22

  1. You will be banned from using the library collections for taking away items owned by the library or unborrowed library documents. Legal action may be taken against WUT staff, doctoral students, and students to punish them with a fine or disciplinary penalty specified in the laws applicable at WUT.
  2. When breaching these Rules, the user may:
    1. be given a warning by the library staff;
    2. be removed from the library by the WUT Academic Guards upon the request of the library staff;
    3. have their library user rights temporarily suspended by the order of the head of the library;
    4. the head of the library may notify the user’s superior about breaching the Rules of Conduct.
  3. The sanctions defined in section 2 are not mutually exclusive and these Rules shall not replace or exclude imposing other sanctions arising from generally applicable laws.
  4. The user may appeal against the decisions taken in compliance with section 2 items 1-2 within 7 days to the BG PW director or head of the library; the user may appeal against decisions taken in compliance with section 2 items 3-4 to the Rector or the head of the organizational unit in which the specialist library operates, respectively.



§ 23

The text of these Rule and Regulations is available on the website of BG PW and in all units of the WUT Library and Information System.



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